I’m a product designer focussed on solving real problems by creating commercially sustainable products & experiences.

I help big brands adopt the mindset and agility of start-ups, and help start-ups identify opportunities whilst defining market fit and monetisation strategies.

Where I add value
With a background that includes working in and running creative agencies and tech start-ups I have a unique combination of experience to deliver insight from concept through to commercialisation.
I work to understand your requirements and help you turn them into products that are commercially viable, find their fit in the market and ensure people love them.
  • Product Positioning

  • Resourcing
  • Monetisation Strategies
  • Marketing & Comms
  • Market Research
  • Investment Collateral

Product Design
  • User Testing

  • Rapid Prototyping
  • User Experience
  • Interaction Design
  • User Interface Design
  • Development Overview

Creative Direction
  • Branding & Identity

  • Typography
  • Copywriting
  • Content Marketing
  • Photography
  • Film

What I've Done
I'm still working on getting a few detailed case studies together. In the meantime you can check out some of the projects I've worked on below.
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I'm still working on getting a few detailed case studies together. In the meantime you can check out some of the projects I've worked on below.
Who I've done it for
I've worked with a diverse range of start-ups as well as some of the world's leading brands. I have led teams to implement a wide range of 'firsts', and have managed to win some awards along the way.
Why I do what I do
I like to solve problems.

Actually, I like to solve real problems. The biggest challenge in most projects is identifying what the real problem actually is. Once you’ve done that, finding the best solution is a lot easier.

“Don’t tell me you need a bridge, show me the canyon!”Giuseppe Delena

I see constraints as a positive.

Constraints, to me, are the inspiration; not the limitation. It goes back to the problem solving bit, the constraints are the pieces of the puzzle that create the real opportunities. They are the starting point, and the challenges to overcome along the way. Constraints are a prompt to look at the problem from a different perspective.

There’s a story that Ernest Hemingway bet some friends that he could write an entire story in just six words. Of course, it seems an impossible feat: how do you introduce characters, explain their relationships, and tell a tale about them in just six words?

“For sale: baby shoes, never worn”Ernest Hemingway

I create products that people love to use.

I have no interest in “designing for designers”. In fact I think it’s a genuine issue in the design industry at the moment. I want people, designer or non-designer, to enjoy using the products I have created. I want them to smile at the unexpected moments of joy. I want it to make their life easier. I want it to make their problem go away.

I am not a storyteller.

I work with brands and products to understand and establish their role in the landscape and align them with the most relevant cultures and opportunities. I ensure they become the stories that other people tell.

I like to listen.

Listening enables you to not only understand what someone is saying, it also enables you to understand what they are trying to say, and just as importantly what they are not saying.

There’s a saying that goes along the lines of –

“The problem with closed-minded people is that their mouths are always open”Unknown

I prefer to show rather than tell.

I believe there is much greater value in demonstrating rather than claiming. I don’t just have ideas, I make them happen. I recognise where my own skills are best applied and have a network of the best creatives and technologists from which I can assemble the right team for the task at hand.

I understand the commercial realities of what I create.

Design without commercial viability is just art. I have a deep understanding of business and work to ensure every project I work on has intrinsic and sustainable commercial value.

Looking for help with your product?
I am currently available for freelance consultation projects.

I'm currently in

London, UK

Call me on

+44 7547 148 705

Or email me

design [at] nickhoskin.com

Get in touch and let's build something awesome together.